Schools we are currently running regular after school clubs with: Madginford Primary School and King's Rochester Pre-Preparatory School
After school clubs
We provide after school clubs held in the school building (either the school hall or large classroom space). After school clubs are run weekly and have a different focus each week based on a personal / social / emotional focus. Each week this focus is called our ‘Sunflower Spotlight’, please visit our social media pages to keep up to date with our ‘Sunflower Spotlight’ focus each week.
If you are a school looking for after school club provision then please get in contact with us at
One off workshops
We provide one-off workshops for classes or small groups of children during the school day. These can be based on a school topic or a personal/ social/ emotional focus such as ‘confidence’ or ‘kindness’. Please enquire if you are interested in booking a one off workshop for your school.
If you are a school or nursery looking for one off or a small group workshop then please get in contact with us at